Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Super Successful!

Today was awesome! I woke up at 8:30... AM... BY MY OWN FREE WILL. Then I proceeded to get a ton of stuff done from there. Mostly I just ran errands but I feel really good about it and I don't know why. Maybe its because I did nothing but go to Kat's wedding over the break... Which was AMAZING. Everything was so tasteful and autumn-ey. Sigh. It was absolutely perfect.Maybe I'll most some pictures.... maybe. In any case, No matter how much I get done there's always more, but it feels so good to make a sizable dent in it. like. pow. kaplow. I beat you up imaginary villain character. Here's a list of all the shit I did today. Don't feel obliged to read this, this is more for me.
stretched sore back... check
farmers market...check
epic breakfst... check
read genji...check
defeat japanese women's literature midterm...check
discount sushi... check
apply for graduation.. check
orchid mix mission and explore strange outlet mall.. check
find awesome art magazines..check
meet someone that knows someone that knows someone in madagascar... check
repot orchid... check
keep room clean...check
write new blog...almost check but when I post it, it will be check.
more color work? ..probable check?

It is just one of those days when shit falls together. It's really satisfying after a week like last week. Bring it on IP you can't push me down!

Also: The Featured Creature just made my life. SO FLUFFY. Things like this make me want to change my IP to just drawing adorable animals.

So yeah! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. i thoroughly believe that we're happiest when we're productive, no matter how good it feels to procrastinate :)

    yay discount sushi!
