Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Work!

Ooohh! Madagascar Fauna! Nerd reason why they are so cool: some abhorently large percentage of species are endemic.(80%?) Which means they appear NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. Like this Mantella Frog that is only found in Ranomafana National Park. As far as anyone knows. Its completely mind shattering to see so much incredible diversity living on a knife edge. If anywhere in the world should be conserved, I vote Madagascar. The medicinal plants alone would knock your socks off. Seriously. All the poisonous plants are named after Mother-in-laws, by the way. The Malagasy people live in the coolest place in the world AND have a sense of humor. I'd be jealous if they weren't all absurdly poor. They have the upside of being completely rich in spirit. I know it sounds sappy, but its true. Anyway, here's my tiny response to the trip. I'm trying to decide what to do with it next???
Edit: This is frog I drew here but I have my own reference picture. Bwahahahahaha.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Old work..." The Girl Who Lost Her Words"

I like this one. It started my exploration of "obsession." Everyone has obsession, but perhaps to different degrees. ;) I wish I could color this... but not really because then I'd just want to fix the line work. Eh. NEXT!